WEEKLY REVIEW: Friday Sept 30, 2022
This blog looks at what happened this week, including campaign events.
I have started blogging my answer to every question that I have been asked during the campaign. The writing process has always been the way I work through the problems and issues I face at Council (and beyond), and sharing them in the form of a blog post just seems like the next natural step.
Please reach out if you have a have a question or if you feel something I answered was not satisfactory. danivaliqutte@gmail.com
And, please share the link with your Grey Highlands friends. https://www.daniellevaliquette.ca/post/qs-from-constituents
This Week's Highlights
Planning Meeting https://greyhighlands.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=2232 Three files were reviewed by staff. One was for a downtown Markdale property.
Library Board The Library CEO Jennifer Murley and The Board has been reviewing and updating many of the library's policies and some were discussed including a clothing allowance. I sit on this board with Councillor Dane Nielsen.
NOTE: Grey Highlands is now accepting applications for board & committee openings for the 2022-2026 term of council. Apply today! https://www.greyhighlands.ca/en/municipal-government/boards-and-committees-of-council.aspx
Shh, don't tell on me, but I pulled my youngest out of school for the morning to join me at the raising of the National Truth and Reconciliation flag. After, the Flesherton Public Library hosted a story reading of The Train. Author Jodie Callaghan; Illustrator Georgia Lesley
On the Campaign Trail

The Rocklyn Fall was so much fun! I won an ice cream contest, baked a pie, watched some horses (and dogs and...). I also talked to a lot of people about the future of Rocklyn and its arena. (This will be a longer post very soon.) I look forward to being at the all candidates meeting on Friday October 7 at 6:30.
I visited The Hanley Institute https://thehanleyinstitute.ca/ twice in 12 hours! (I was sorry to miss their open house the Saturday before.) The first was in the evening to support of Brian McCulloch whom I think will make a thoughtful Councillor. https://www.ourgreyhighlands.com/ The second was in the AM for an Alzheimer Society fundraiser.
Knocked on doors in Flesherton and Markdale.
Weekend Plans
Art show at the Flesherton Public Library: Annie Aukland and Doug Galloway. More at https://www.greyhighlandspubliclibrary.com/event/culture-days-art-exhibit-with-annie-auckland-and-doug-galloway/
All Candidates Debate at the Kinplex Saturday Oct 1 https://www.daniellevaliquette.ca/post/grey-highlands-election-events NEW TIME OF 12:30!
Next Week
Council's final meeting on Wednesday October 5, 2022 and the Agenda is Public now. The following items are on the Agenda:
Delegation on Development (DC) Charges Presentation by Hemson Consulting Inc
Heritage Property Tax Rebate
HOT TOPIC ALERT PL.22.122 - OP04.2022 is proposed amendments to adjust the portion of The Official Plan that relates to On-farm Diversified Uses (OFDUs).
The proposal wants to amend the definition of “small scale” as it relates to OFDUs to the following:
SMALL SCALE On lots that are 20 hectares or greater, means a use:
1. That occupies a building or buildings with a total maximum gross floor area of 750 square metres, and
2. That has a maximum outdoor storage area of 750 square metres, except for sawmills, which may have a maximum outdoor storage area of 2000 square metres.
On lots that are greater than or equal to 10 hectares but less than 20 hectares, means a use:
1. That occupies a building or buildings with a total maximum gross floor area of 750 square metres, and
2. For which the associated buildings and outdoor storage area occupy a maximum of 0.5% of the total lot area.
Enjoy the weekend,

Danielle Valiquette
Follow me on social media. https://www.daniellevaliquette.ca/post/the-socials-follow-me-on-social-media