- daniellevaliquette
Updated: Aug 29, 2022
This blog post is part of my series, Civic Citizens Series on Communication. It aims to help Grey Highlands residents communicate better with our municipality.This blog series, Civic Citizen Series: Communications has two parts.
This blog series, Civic Citizen Series: Communications has two parts.
Part One: Grey Highlands Speaks to you
Part Two: You Speak to your Municipality
Connect Grey Highlands (Staff)
Complaints and Service Requests: Complaints Form or Service Requests Form (Staff)
Presenting to Council: Delegation (Council) or Open Forum (Council)
This posts explores the complaint process.
NOTE: If your complaint is a by-law complaint, for example, a dog running a large or a noise complaint, do not use the below complaint process, instead email enforcement@greyhighlands.ca. It will be much faster!
Complaints Happen
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction related to a program, facility, staff member, service, actions/non-actions or other. It is the goal of the Grey Highlands to resolve complaints informally, whenever possible.
And, things happen. Mistakes are made.
A complaint can be received in a number of different ways:
Verbal Complaints are made in person or by telephone.
Written Complaints can be made online using the online form or email the form to info@greyhighlands.ca or hand deliver to the Administration office, 206 Toronto Street South, Markdale, ON.
A Complaint form will be available both in office and online.
DISCLAIMER The staff at The Municipality of Grey Highlands are experts in their respective fields. If something here is different than staff's advice, always follow staff's direction. And, then please email me at danivaliquette@gmail.com with what I got wrong.